
USA bittorrent free The Lost Tapes: LA Riots

bittorrent free The Lost Tapes: LA Riots




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Genre - History


story - In this episode, the Lost Tapes series looks at the 1992 L.A. Riots, revisited through television and radio reports, home video, and police footage. Many of these tapes have never been seen or heard, or have not been broadcast since 1992

Directors - Tom Jennings

release year - 2017

Badass koreans. Whateva. ☺. Dont mess with ASIAN.

I remember seeing this is a kid thinking I like to kill everybody there especially one day was drugged out of his truck. I wish I had the old man's back when he was venting about the looters destroying his business. I'd love to have been standing next to him with an AR-15 WAITING for someone to do something to him. Notice how the crowd got quiet even though many still did what they were doing. I know they felt like shit warmed over. That old man has probably passed on by now but I hope he was able to recover and still live well before he left here🙏🙏. Sad shit y'all 💯. What a waste of life Henry Watson is, joined the army for what? To be an animal, that should be put down, maybe in front of his family.

I'm a south korean and I'm really proud of them However it's kinda sad because nobody helped koreans atm... It's gonna happen again but it won't be Black vs. white or anything racial it's gonna be The Corporation vs. the people and the New Generation vs. Nation of old. people need to wake up. The older i get the more convinced this was a psychological warfare experiment by our rulers ZOG. Stealing beanbag chairs SMH. This comment section is flooded with racist comments. So because some racist cops beat a black man up what do the black community AT LARGE go and do ? Attack innocent white people ? Looks to me like one big racial pile of shit. The L.A riots were started by racists and finished by racists. Fuck yall.

Haha they wrote down the looters' phone numbers? like they gave you the right ones, didn't have cell phones back then to prove it. Sad😭😭😢😢😭. Some of those intersections look to be in decent shape now days though. Just an observation. Obviously if your burning shit and beating niggas up you have no intention of doing good its a small revenge of 600 years of oppression if anything... Back when America was real! Now it's all about social media brainwashed people. Imagine if this happend nation wide. A lot of people think this was about Rodney King and it really wasn't. The way the cops beat the hell out of an unarmed black man on video and was found innocent just set this all off. Around the same time a young black teenage girl (Natasha Harding) was shot in the back of the head by a Korean store owner or cashier over orange juice and was only sentenced to probation. Also around the same time LAPD CRASH TEAM was doing a lot of foul shit. Including beating people down, planting drugs on people, dropping gang members off in wrong neighborhoods to get killed etc. this was just the first time it was caught on tape. All of these events just created a storm that lead to the riots. Did we handle it the right way, of course not but it was spur of the moment frustration. If white people was experiencing the same type of shit I'm 💯% sure the good ole boys wouldn't tolerate it and take violent action also.

THEY GOT HIM BECAUSE HE WAS TOUGHT TO BE KONY. Thumbs up if Snoop Dogg brought you here. And the thing about riots is tht while u and me kno better than too attack actual ppl. The criminals will com out regardless. The bad ppl will take advantage of a situation.




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